Package 'secretbase'

Title: Cryptographic Hash, Extendable-Output and Base64 Functions
Description: Fast and memory-efficient streaming hash functions and base64 encoding / decoding. Hashes strings and raw vectors directly. Stream hashes files which can be larger than memory, as well as in-memory objects through R's serialization mechanism. Implementations include the SHA-256, SHA-3 and 'Keccak' cryptographic hash functions, SHAKE256 extendable-output function (XOF), and 'SipHash' pseudo-random function.
Authors: Charlie Gao [aut, cre] , Hibiki AI Limited [cph]
Maintainer: Charlie Gao <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-03-14 16:18:32 UTC

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secretbase: Cryptographic Hash, Extendable-Output and Base64 Functions


Fast and memory-efficient streaming hash functions and base64 encoding / decoding. Hashes strings and raw vectors directly. Stream hashes files which can be larger than memory, as well as in-memory objects through R's serialization mechanism. Implementations include the SHA-256, SHA-3 and 'Keccak' cryptographic hash functions, SHAKE256 extendable-output function (XOF), and 'SipHash' pseudo-random function.


Charlie Gao [email protected] (ORCID)

See Also

Useful links:

Base64 Decode


Decodes a character string, raw vector or other object from base64 encoding.


base64dec(x, convert = TRUE)



an object.


logical TRUE to convert back to a character string, FALSE to convert back to a raw vector or NA to decode and then unserialize back to the original object.


The value of convert should be set to TRUE, FALSE or NA to be the reverse of the 3 encoding operations (for strings, raw vectors and arbitrary objects), in order to return the original object.


A character string, raw vector, or other object depending on the value of convert.


This implementation is based that by 'The Mbed TLS Contributors' under the 'Mbed TLS' Trusted Firmware Project at

See Also



base64dec(base64enc("secret base"))
base64dec(base64enc(as.raw(c(1L, 2L, 4L))), convert = FALSE)
base64dec(base64enc(data.frame()), convert = NA)

Base64 Encode


Encodes a character string, raw vector or other object to base64 encoding.


base64enc(x, convert = TRUE)



an object.


logical TRUE to encode to a character string or FALSE to a raw vector.


A character string or raw vector (with no attributes) is encoded as is, whilst all other objects are first serialized (using R serialisation version 3, big-endian representation).


A character string or raw vector depending on the value of convert.


This implementation is based that by 'The Mbed TLS Contributors' under the 'Mbed TLS' Trusted Firmware Project at

See Also



base64enc("secret base")
base64enc(as.raw(c(1L, 2L, 4L)), convert = FALSE)

Keccak Cryptographic Hash Algorithms


Returns a Keccak hash of the supplied object or file.


keccak(x, bits = 256L, convert = TRUE, file)



object to hash. A character string or raw vector (without attributes) is hashed as is. All other objects are stream hashed using native R serialization.


integer output size of the returned hash. Must be one of 224, 256, 384 or 512.


logical TRUE to convert the hash to its hex representation as a character string, FALSE to return directly as a raw vector, or NA to return as a vector of (32-bit) integers.


character file name / path. If specified, x is ignored. The file is stream hashed, and the file can be larger than memory.


A character string, raw or integer vector depending on convert.

R Serialization Stream Hashing

Where this is used, serialization is always version 3 big-endian representation and the headers (containing R version and native encoding information) are skipped to ensure portability across platforms.

As hashing is performed in a streaming fashion, there is no materialization of, or memory allocation for, the serialized object.


Keccak is the underlying algorithm for SHA-3, and is identical apart from the value of the padding parameter.

The Keccak algorithm was designed by G. Bertoni, J. Daemen, M. Peeters and G. Van Assche.

This implementation is based on one by 'The Mbed TLS Contributors' under the 'Mbed TLS' Trusted Firmware Project at


# Keccak-256 hash as character string:
keccak("secret base")

# Keccak-256 hash as raw vector:
keccak("secret base", convert = FALSE)

# Keccak-224 hash as character string:
keccak("secret base", bits = 224)

# Keccak-384 hash as character string:
keccak("secret base", bits = 384)

# Keccak-512 hash as character string:
keccak("secret base", bits = 512)

# Keccak-256 hash a file:
file <- tempfile(); cat("secret base", file = file)
keccak(file = file)

SHA-256 Cryptographic Hash Algorithm


Returns a SHA-256 hash of the supplied object or file, or HMAC if a secret key is supplied.


sha256(x, key = NULL, convert = TRUE, file)



object to hash. A character string or raw vector (without attributes) is hashed as is. All other objects are stream hashed using native R serialization.


if NULL, the SHA-256 hash of x is returned. If a character string or raw vector, this is used as a secret key to generate an HMAC. Note: for character vectors, only the first element is used.


logical TRUE to convert the hash to its hex representation as a character string, FALSE to return directly as a raw vector, or NA to return as a vector of (32-bit) integers.


character file name / path. If specified, x is ignored. The file is stream hashed, and the file can be larger than memory.


A character string, raw or integer vector depending on convert.

R Serialization Stream Hashing

Where this is used, serialization is always version 3 big-endian representation and the headers (containing R version and native encoding information) are skipped to ensure portability across platforms.

As hashing is performed in a streaming fashion, there is no materialization of, or memory allocation for, the serialized object.


The SHA-256 Secure Hash Standard was published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2002 at

This implementation is based on one by 'The Mbed TLS Contributors' under the 'Mbed TLS' Trusted Firmware Project at


# SHA-256 hash as character string:
sha256("secret base")

# SHA-256 hash as raw vector:
sha256("secret base", convert = FALSE)

# SHA-256 hash a file:
file <- tempfile(); cat("secret base", file = file)
sha256(file = file)

# SHA-256 HMAC using a character string secret key:
sha256("secret", key = "base")

# SHA-256 HMAC using a raw vector secret key:
sha256("secret", key = charToRaw("base"))

SHA-3 Cryptographic Hash Algorithms


Returns a SHA-3 hash of the supplied object or file.


sha3(x, bits = 256L, convert = TRUE, file)



object to hash. A character string or raw vector (without attributes) is hashed as is. All other objects are stream hashed using native R serialization.


integer output size of the returned hash. Must be one of 224, 256, 384 or 512.


logical TRUE to convert the hash to its hex representation as a character string, FALSE to return directly as a raw vector, or NA to return as a vector of (32-bit) integers.


character file name / path. If specified, x is ignored. The file is stream hashed, and the file can be larger than memory.


A character string, raw or integer vector depending on convert.

R Serialization Stream Hashing

Where this is used, serialization is always version 3 big-endian representation and the headers (containing R version and native encoding information) are skipped to ensure portability across platforms.

As hashing is performed in a streaming fashion, there is no materialization of, or memory allocation for, the serialized object.


The SHA-3 Secure Hash Standard was published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2015 at doi:10.6028/NIST.FIPS.202.

This implementation is based on one by 'The Mbed TLS Contributors' under the 'Mbed TLS' Trusted Firmware Project at


# SHA3-256 hash as character string:
sha3("secret base")

# SHA3-256 hash as raw vector:
sha3("secret base", convert = FALSE)

# SHA3-224 hash as character string:
sha3("secret base", bits = 224)

# SHA3-384 hash as character string:
sha3("secret base", bits = 384)

# SHA3-512 hash as character string:
sha3("secret base", bits = 512)

# SHA3-256 hash a file:
file <- tempfile(); cat("secret base", file = file)
sha3(file = file)

SHAKE256 Extendable Output Function


Returns a SHAKE256 hash of the supplied object or file.


shake256(x, bits = 256L, convert = TRUE, file)



object to hash. A character string or raw vector (without attributes) is hashed as is. All other objects are stream hashed using native R serialization.


integer output size of the returned hash. Value must be between 8 and 2^24.


logical TRUE to convert the hash to its hex representation as a character string, FALSE to return directly as a raw vector, or NA to return as a vector of (32-bit) integers.


character file name / path. If specified, x is ignored. The file is stream hashed, and the file can be larger than memory.


To produce single integer values suitable for use as random seeds for R's pseudo random number generators (RNGs), set bits to 32 and convert to NA.


A character string, raw or integer vector depending on convert.

R Serialization Stream Hashing

Where this is used, serialization is always version 3 big-endian representation and the headers (containing R version and native encoding information) are skipped to ensure portability across platforms.

As hashing is performed in a streaming fashion, there is no materialization of, or memory allocation for, the serialized object.


This implementation is based on one by 'The Mbed TLS Contributors' under the 'Mbed TLS' Trusted Firmware Project at


# SHAKE256 hash as character string:
shake256("secret base")

# SHAKE256 hash as raw vector:
shake256("secret base", convert = FALSE)

# SHAKE256 hash to integer:
shake256("secret base", bits = 32L, convert = NA)

# SHAKE256 hash a file:
file <- tempfile(); cat("secret base", file = file)
shake256(file = file)

SipHash Pseudorandom Function


Returns a fast, cryptographically-strong SipHash keyed hash of the supplied object or file. SipHash-1-3 is optimised for performance. Note: SipHash is not a cryptographic hash algorithm.


siphash13(x, key = NULL, convert = TRUE, file)



object to hash. A character string or raw vector (without attributes) is hashed as is. All other objects are stream hashed using native R serialization.


a character string or raw vector comprising the 16 byte (128 bit) key data, or else NULL which is equivalent to 0. If a longer vector is supplied, only the first 16 bytes are used, and if shorter, padded with trailing '0'. Note: for character vectors, only the first element is used.


logical TRUE to convert the hash to its hex representation as a character string, FALSE to return directly as a raw vector, or NA to return as a vector of (32-bit) integers.


character file name / path. If specified, x is ignored. The file is stream hashed, and the file can be larger than memory.


A character string, raw or integer vector depending on convert.

R Serialization Stream Hashing

Where this is used, serialization is always version 3 big-endian representation and the headers (containing R version and native encoding information) are skipped to ensure portability across platforms.

As hashing is performed in a streaming fashion, there is no materialization of, or memory allocation for, the serialized object.


The SipHash family of cryptographically-strong pseudorandom functions (PRFs) are described in 'SipHash: a fast short-input PRF', Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Daniel J. Bernstein, Paper 2012/351, 2012, Cryptology ePrint Archive at

This implementation is based on the SipHash streaming implementation by Daniele Nicolodi, David Rheinsberg and Tom Gundersen at This is in turn based on the SipHash reference implementation by Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Daniel J. Bernstein released to the public domain at


# SipHash-1-3 hash as character string:
siphash13("secret base")

# SipHash-1-3 hash as raw vector:
siphash13("secret base", convert = FALSE)

# SipHash-1-3 hash using a character string key:
siphash13("secret", key = "base")

# SipHash-1-3 hash using a raw vector key:
siphash13("secret", key = charToRaw("base"))

# SipHash-1-3 hash a file:
file <- tempfile(); cat("secret base", file = file)
siphash13(file = file)