Package 'nanonext'

Title: NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen) Lightweight Messaging Library
Description: R binding for NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen), a successor to ZeroMQ. NNG is a socket library implementing 'Scalability Protocols', a reliable, high-performance standard for common communications patterns including publish/subscribe, request/reply and service discovery, over in-process, IPC, TCP, WebSocket and secure TLS transports. As its own threaded concurrency framework, provides a toolkit for asynchronous programming and distributed computing, with intuitive 'aio' objects which resolve automatically upon completion of asynchronous operations, and synchronisation primitives allowing R to wait upon events signalled by concurrent threads.
Authors: Charlie Gao [aut, cre] , Hibiki AI Limited [cph], R Consortium [fnd]
Maintainer: Charlie Gao <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Built: 2024-10-18 23:14:52 UTC

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nanonext: NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen) Lightweight Messaging Library


R binding for NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen), a successor to ZeroMQ. NNG is a socket library implementing ‘Scalability Protocols’, a reliable, high-performance standard for common communications patterns including publish/subscribe, request/reply and service discovery, over in-process, IPC, TCP, WebSocket and secure TLS transports. As its own threaded concurrency framework, provides a toolkit for asynchronous programming and distributed computing, with intuitive ‘aio’ objects which resolve automatically upon completion of asynchronous operations, and synchronisation primitives allowing R to wait upon events signalled by concurrent threads.

Usage notes

nanonext offers 2 equivalent interfaces: a functional interface, and an object-oriented interface.

The primary object in the functional interface is the Socket. Use socket to create a socket and dial or listen at an address. The socket is then passed as the first argument of subsequent actions such as send() or recv().

The primary object in the object-oriented interface is the nano object. Use nano to create a nano object which encapsulates a Socket and Dialer/Listener. Methods such as $send() or $recv() can then be accessed directly from the object.


Guide to the implemented protocols for sockets: protocols

Guide to the supported transports for dialers and listeners: transports

Guide to the options that can be inspected and set using: opt / opt<-

Reference Manual

vignette("nanonext", package = "nanonext")

Conceptual overview

NNG presents a socket view of networking. A socket implements precisely one protocol, such as ‘bus’, etc.

Each socket can be used to send and receive messages (if the protocol supports it, and implements the appropriate protocol semantics). For example, the ‘sub’ protocol automatically filters incoming messages to discard topics that have not been subscribed.

NNG sockets are message-oriented, and messages are either delivered wholly, or not at all. Partial delivery is not possible. Furthermore, NNG does not provide any other delivery or ordering guarantees: messages may be dropped or reordered (some protocols, such as ‘req’ may offer stronger guarantees by performing their own retry and validation schemes).

Each socket can have zero, one, or many endpoints, which are either listeners or dialers (a given socket may use listeners, dialers, or both). These endpoints provide access to underlying transports, such as TCP, etc.

Each endpoint is associated with a URL, which is a service address. For dialers, this is the service address that is contacted, whereas for listeners this is where new connections will be accepted.


Mbed TLS:


Charlie Gao [email protected] (ORCID)

See Also

Useful links:

Technical Utility: Open Context


Open a new Context to be used with a Socket. This function is a performance variant of context, designed to wrap a socket in a function argument when calling request or reply.





a Socket.


External pointers created by this function are unclassed, hence methods for contexts such as close will not work (use reap instead). Otherwise they function identically to a Context when passed to all messaging functions.


An external pointer.

Signal Forwarder


Forwards signals from one ‘conditionVariable’ to another.


cv %~>% cv2



a ‘conditionVariable’ object, from which to forward the signal.


a ‘conditionVariable’ object, to which the signal is forwarded.


The condition value of ‘cv’ is initially reset to zero when this operator returns. Only one forwarder can be active on a ‘cv’ at any given time, and assigning a new forwarding target cancels any currently existing forwarding.

Changes in the condition value of ‘cv’ are forwarded to ‘cv2’, but only on each occassion ‘cv’ is signalled. This means that waiting on ‘cv’ will cause a temporary divergence between the actual condition value of ‘cv’ and that recorded at ‘cv2’, until the next time ‘cv’ is signalled.


Invisibly, ‘cv2’.


cva <- cv(); cvb <- cv(); cv1 <- cv(); cv2 <- cv()

cva %~>% cv1 %~>% cv2
cvb %~>% cv2


Make ncurlAio Promise


Creates a ‘promise’ from an ‘ncurlAio’ object.


## S3 method for class 'ncurlAio'



an object of class ‘ncurlAio’.


This function is an S3 method for the generic as.promise for class ‘ncurlAio’.

Requires the promises package.

Allows an ‘ncurlAio’ to be used with the promise pipe %...>%, which schedules a function to run upon resolution of the Aio.


A ‘promise’ object.

Make recvAio Promise


Creates a ‘promise’ from an ‘recvAio’ object.


## S3 method for class 'recvAio'



an object of class ‘recvAio’.


This function is an S3 method for the generic as.promise for class ‘recvAio’.

Requires the promises package.

Allows an ‘recvAio’ to be used with the promise pipe %...>%, which schedules a function to run upon resolution of the Aio.


A ‘promise’ object.

Call the Value of an Asynchronous Aio Operation


call_aio retrieves the value of an asynchronous Aio operation, waiting for the operation to complete if still in progress. For a list of Aios, waits for all asynchronous operations to complete before returning.

call_aio_ is a variant that allows user interrupts, suitable for interactive use.






an Aio or list of Aios (objects of class ‘sendAio’, ‘recvAio’ or ‘ncurlAio’).


For a ‘recvAio’, the received value may be retrieved at $data.

For a ‘sendAio’, the send result may be retrieved at $result. This will be zero on success, or else an integer error code.

To access the values directly, use for example on a ‘recvAio’ x: call_aio(x)$data.

For a ‘recvAio’, if an error occurred in unserialization or conversion of the message data to the specified mode, a raw vector will be returned instead to allow recovery (accompanied by a warning).

Note: this function operates silently and does not error even if ‘aio’ is not an active Aio or list of Aios, always returning invisibly the passed object.


The passed object (invisibly).


Aio values may be accessed directly at $result for a ‘sendAio’, and $data for a ‘recvAio’. If the Aio operation is yet to complete, an ‘unresolved’ logical NA will be returned. Once complete, the resolved value will be returned instead.

unresolved may also be used, which returns TRUE only if an Aio or Aio value has yet to resolve and FALSE otherwise. This is suitable for use in control flow statements such as while or if.


s1 <- socket("pair", listen = "inproc://nanonext")
s2 <- socket("pair", dial = "inproc://nanonext")

res <- send_aio(s1, data.frame(a = 1, b = 2), timeout = 100)

msg <- recv_aio(s2, timeout = 100)


Close Connection


Close Connection on a Socket, Context, Dialer, Listener, Stream, Pipe, or ncurl Session.


## S3 method for class 'nanoContext'
close(con, ...)

## S3 method for class 'nanoDialer'
close(con, ...)

## S3 method for class 'nanoListener'
close(con, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ncurlSession'
close(con, ...)

## S3 method for class 'nanoSocket'
close(con, ...)

## S3 method for class 'nanoPipe'
close(con, ...)

## S3 method for class 'nanoStream'
close(con, ...)



a Socket, Context, Dialer, Listener, Stream, Pipe, or ‘ncurlSession’.


not used.


Closing an object explicitly frees its resources. An object can also be removed directly in which case its resources are freed when the object is garbage collected.

Closing a Socket associated with a Context also closes the Context.

Dialers and Listeners are implicitly closed when the Socket they are associated with is closed.

Closing a Socket or a Context: messages that have been submitted for sending may be flushed or delivered, depending upon the transport. Closing the Socket while data is in transmission will likely lead to loss of that data. There is no automatic linger or flush to ensure that the Socket send buffers have completely transmitted.

Closing a Stream: if any send or receive operations are pending, they will be terminated and any new operations will fail after the connection is closed.

Closing an ‘ncurlSession’ closes the http(s) connection.

As Pipes are owned by the corresponding Socket, removing (and garbage collecting) a Pipe does not close it or free its resources. A Pipe may, however, be explicitly closed.


Invisibly, an integer exit code (zero on success).

See Also


Collect Data of an Aio or List of Aios


collect_aio collects the data of an Aio or list of Aios, waiting for resolution if still in progress.

collect_aio_ is a variant that allows user interrupts, suitable for interactive use.






an Aio or list of Aios (objects of class ‘sendAio’, ‘recvAio’ or ‘ncurlAio’).


This function will wait for the asynchronous operation(s) to complete if still in progress (blocking).

Using x[] on an Aio x is equivalent to the user-interruptible collect_aio_(x).


Depending on the type of ‘x’ supplied, an object or list of objects (the same length as ‘x’, preserving names).


s1 <- socket("pair", listen = "inproc://nanonext")
s2 <- socket("pair", dial = "inproc://nanonext")

res <- send_aio(s1, data.frame(a = 1, b = 2), timeout = 100)

msg <- recv_aio(s2, timeout = 100)



Collect the Pipe from an Aio


This function retrieves the Pipe used to receive a message from the Aio. It will block if the Aio has yet to complete. The message is still available for retrieval by the usual means. A Pipe is a low-level object and it is not normally necessary to deal with them directly.





a 'recvAio' object.


As Pipes are always owned by a Socket, removing (and garbage collecting) a Pipe does not close it or free its resources. A Pipe may, however, be explicitly closed.


A Pipe (object of class ‘nanoPipe’).


s <- socket("rep", listen = "inproc://nanonext")
s1 <- socket("req", dial = "inproc://nanonext")

r <- recv_aio(s, timeout = 500)

if (!send(s1, "")) {
  p <- tryCatch(collect_pipe(r), error = identity)


Open Context


Open a new Context to be used with a Socket. The purpose of a Context is to permit applications to share a single socket, with its underlying dialers and listeners, while still benefiting from separate state tracking.





a Socket.


Contexts allow the independent and concurrent use of stateful operations using the same socket. For example, two different contexts created on a rep socket can each receive requests, and send replies to them, without any regard to or interference with each other.

Only the following protocols support creation of contexts: req, rep, sub (in a pub/sub pattern), surveyor, respondent.

To send and receive over a context use send and recv or their async counterparts send_aio and recv_aio.

For nano objects, use the $context_open() method, which will attach a new context at $context. See nano.


A Context (object of class ‘nanoContext’ and ‘nano’).

See Also

request and reply for use with contexts.


s <- socket("req", listen = "inproc://nanonext")
ctx <- context(s)

n <- nano("req", listen = "inproc://nanonext")

Condition Variables


cv creates a new condition variable (protected by a mutex internal to the object).

wait waits on a condition being signalled by completion of an asynchronous receive or pipe event.
wait_ is a variant that allows user interrupts, suitable for interactive use.

until waits until a future time on a condition being signalled by completion of an asynchronous receive or pipe event.
until_ is a variant that allows user interrupts, suitable for interactive use.

cv_value inspects the internal value of a condition variable.

cv_reset resets the internal value and flag of a condition variable.

cv_signal signals a condition variable.





until(cv, msec)

until_(cv, msec)






a ‘conditionVariable’ object.


maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the condition variable to be signalled.


Pass the ‘conditionVariable’ to the asynchronous receive functions recv_aio or request. Alternatively, to be notified of a pipe event, pass it to pipe_notify.

Completion of the receive or pipe event, which happens asynchronously and independently of the main R thread, will signal the condition variable by incrementing it by 1.

This will cause the R execution thread waiting on the condition variable using wait or until to wake and continue.

For argument ‘msec’, non-integer values will be coerced to integer. Non-numeric input will be ignored and return immediately.


For cv: a ‘conditionVariable’ object.

For wait: (invisibly) logical TRUE, or else FALSE if a flag has been set.

For until: (invisibly) logical TRUE if signalled, or else FALSE if the timeout was reached.

For cv_value: integer value of the condition variable.

For cv_reset and cv_signal: zero (invisibly).


The condition internal to this ‘conditionVariable’ maintains a state (value). Each signal increments the value by 1. Each time wait or until returns (apart from due to timeout), the value is decremented by 1.

The internal condition may be inspected at any time using cv_value and reset using cv_reset. This affords a high degree of flexibility in designing complex concurrent applications.


The condition variable also contains a flag that certain signalling functions such as pipe_notify can set. When this flag has been set, all subsequent wait calls will return logical FALSE instead of TRUE.

Note that the flag is not automatically reset, but may be reset manually using cv_reset.


cv <- cv()

## Not run: 
wait(cv) # would block until the cv is signalled
wait_(cv) # would block until the cv is signalled or interrupted

## End(Not run)

until(cv, 10L)
until_(cv, 10L)




Dial an Address from a Socket


Creates a new Dialer and binds it to a Socket.


  url = "inproc://nanonext",
  tls = NULL,
  autostart = TRUE,
  error = FALSE



a Socket.


[default 'inproc://nanonext'] a URL to dial, specifying the transport and address as a character string e.g. 'inproc://anyvalue' or 'tcp://' (see transports).


[default NULL] for secure tls+tcp:// or wss:// connections only, provide a TLS configuration object created by tls_config.


[default TRUE] whether to start the dialer (by default asynchronously). Set to NA to start synchronously - this is less resilient if a connection is not immediately possible, but avoids subtle errors from attempting to use the socket before an asynchronous dial has completed. Set to FALSE if setting configuration options on the dialer as it is not generally possible to change these once started.


[default FALSE] behaviour on error: if FALSE, returns an integer exit code accompanied by a warning, or, if TRUE, generates an error and halts execution.


To view all Dialers bound to a socket use $dialer on the socket, which returns a list of Dialer objects. To access any individual Dialer (e.g. to set options on it), index into the list e.g. $dialer[[1]] to return the first Dialer.

A Dialer is an external pointer to a dialer object, which creates a single outgoing connection at a time. If the connection is broken, or fails, the dialer object will automatically attempt to reconnect, and will keep doing so until the dialer or socket is destroyed.


Invisibly, an integer exit code (zero on success). A new Dialer (object of class ‘nanoDialer’ and ‘nano’) is created and bound to the Socket if successful.

Further details

Dialers and Listeners are always associated with a single socket. A given socket may have multiple Listeners and/or multiple Dialers.

The client/server relationship described by dialer/listener is completely orthogonal to any similar relationship in the protocols. For example, a rep socket may use a dialer to connect to a listener on an req socket. This orthogonality can lead to innovative solutions to otherwise challenging communications problems.

Any configuration options on the dialer/listener should be set by opt<- before starting the dialer/listener with start.

Dialers/Listeners may be destroyed by close. They are also closed when their associated socket is closed.


socket <- socket("rep")
dial(socket, url = "tcp://", autostart = FALSE)

nano <- nano("bus")
nano$dial(url = "tcp://", autostart = FALSE)



Validator functions for object types created by {nanonext}.







an object.


Is the object an Aio (inheriting from class ‘sendAio’ or ‘recvAio’).

Is the object an object inheriting from class ‘nano’ i.e. a nanoSocket, nanoContext, nanoStream, nanoListener, nanoDialer, nanoPipe or nano Object.

Is the object an ncurlSession (object of class ‘ncurlSession’).

Is the object a Condition Variable (object of class ‘conditionVariable’).


Logical value TRUE or FALSE.


nc <- call_aio(ncurl_aio("", timeout = 1000L))

s <- socket()
n <- nano()

s <- ncurl_session("")
if (is_ncurl_session(s)) close(s)

Error Validators


Validator functions for error value types created by nanonext.






an object.


Is the object an error value generated by the package. All non-success integer return values are classed ‘errorValue’ to be distinguishable from integer message values. Includes error values returned after a timeout etc.

Is the object a nul byte.


Logical value TRUE or FALSE.


s <- socket()
r <- recv_aio(s, timeout = 10)
r$data == 5L

is_nul_byte(raw(length = 1L))
is_nul_byte(writeBin("", con = raw()))

Listen to an Address from a Socket


Creates a new Listener and binds it to a Socket.


  url = "inproc://nanonext",
  tls = NULL,
  autostart = TRUE,
  error = FALSE



a Socket.


[default 'inproc://nanonext'] a URL to dial, specifying the transport and address as a character string e.g. 'inproc://anyvalue' or 'tcp://' (see transports).


[default NULL] for secure tls+tcp:// or wss:// connections only, provide a TLS configuration object created by tls_config.


[default TRUE] whether to start the listener. Set to FALSE if setting configuration options on the listener as it is not generally possible to change these once started.


[default FALSE] behaviour on error: if FALSE, returns an integer exit code accompanied by a warning, or, if TRUE, generates an error and halts execution.


To view all Listeners bound to a socket use $listener on the socket, which returns a list of Listener objects. To access any individual Listener (e.g. to set options on it), index into the list e.g. $listener[[1]] to return the first Listener.

A listener is an external pointer to a listener object, which accepts incoming connections. A given listener object may have many connections at the same time, much like an HTTP server can have many connections to multiple clients simultaneously.


Invisibly, an integer exit code (zero on success). A new Listener (object of class ‘nanoListener’ and ‘nano’) is created and bound to the Socket if successful.

Further details

Dialers and Listeners are always associated with a single socket. A given socket may have multiple Listeners and/or multiple Dialers.

The client/server relationship described by dialer/listener is completely orthogonal to any similar relationship in the protocols. For example, a rep socket may use a dialer to connect to a listener on an req socket. This orthogonality can lead to innovative solutions to otherwise challenging communications problems.

Any configuration options on the dialer/listener should be set by opt<- before starting the dialer/listener with start.

Dialers/Listeners may be destroyed by close. They are also closed when their associated socket is closed.


socket <- socket("req")
listen(socket, url = "tcp://", autostart = FALSE)

nano <- nano("bus")
nano$listen(url = "tcp://", autostart = FALSE)

Lock / Unlock a Socket


Prevents further pipe connections from being established at a Socket. If a socket is locked, new pipe connections are closed before they can be added to the socket.


lock(socket, cv = NULL)




a Socket.


(optional) a ‘conditionVariable’. If supplied, the socket is locked only whilst the condition variable is an odd value. This is designed to allow an initial connection, as well as subsequent re-connections after a connection has ended, if the conditon variable is also registered with pipe_notify for both add and remove pipe events.


Invisibly, zero on success (will otherwise error).


s <- socket("bus", listen = "inproc://nanolock")
s1 <- socket("bus", dial = "inproc://nanolock")
s2 <- socket("bus", dial = "inproc://nanolock")

send(s, "test")

s3 <- socket("bus", dial = "inproc://nanolock")
send(s, "test")


Clock Utility


Provides the number of elapsed milliseconds since an arbitrary reference time in the past. The reference time will be the same for a given session, but may differ between sessions.




A convenience function for building concurrent applications. The resolution of the clock depends on the underlying system timing facilities and may not be particularly fine-grained. This utility should however be faster than using Sys.time().


A double.


time <- mclock(); msleep(100); mclock() - time



Multi-threaded, console-based, 2-way instant messaging system with authentication, based on NNG scalability protocols.


messenger(url, auth = NULL)



a URL to connect to, specifying the transport and address as a character string e.g. 'tcp://' (see transports).


[default NULL] an R object (possessed by both parties) which serves as a pre-shared key on which to authenticate the communication. Note: the object is never sent, only a random subset of its md5 hash after serialization.


Invisible NULL.


Type outgoing messages and hit return to send.

The timestamps of outgoing messages are prefixed by > and that of incoming messages by <.

:q is the command to quit.

Both parties must supply the same argument for ‘auth’, otherwise the party trying to connect will receive an ‘authentication error’ and be immediately disconnected.


The authentication protocol is an experimental proof of concept which is not secure, and should not be used for critical applications.

Sleep Utility


Sleep function. May block for longer than requested, with the actual wait time determined by the capabilities of the underlying system.





integer number of milliseconds to block the caller.


Non-integer values for ‘time’ are coerced to integer. Negative, logical and other non-numeric values are ignored, causing the function to return immediately.

Note that unlike Sys.sleep, this function is not user-interruptible by sending SIGINT e.g. with ctrl + c.


Invisible NULL.


time <- mclock(); msleep(100); mclock() - time

Create Nano Object


Create a nano object, encapsulating a Socket, Dialers/Listeners and associated methods.


  protocol = c("bus", "pair", "push", "pull", "pub", "sub", "req", "rep", "surveyor",
  dial = NULL,
  listen = NULL,
  tls = NULL,
  autostart = TRUE



[default 'bus'] choose protocol - ‘bus’, ‘pair’, ‘poly’, ‘push’, ‘pull’, ‘pub’, ‘sub’, ‘req’, ‘rep’, ‘surveyor’, or ‘respondent’ - see protocols.


(optional) a URL to dial, specifying the transport and address as a character string e.g. 'inproc://anyvalue' or 'tcp://' (see transports).


(optional) a URL to listen at, specifying the transport and address as a character string e.g. 'inproc://anyvalue' or 'tcp://' (see transports).


[default NULL] for secure tls+tcp:// or wss:// connections only, provide a TLS configuration object created by tls_config.


[default TRUE] whether to start the dialer/listener. Set to FALSE if setting configuration options on the dialer/listener as it is not generally possible to change these once started. For dialers only: set to NA to start synchronously - this is less resilient if a connection is not immediately possible, but avoids subtle errors from attempting to use the socket before an asynchronous dial has completed.


This function encapsulates a Socket, Dialer and/or Listener, and its associated methods.

The Socket may be accessed by $socket, and the Dialer or Listener by $dialer[[1]] or $listener[[1]] respectively.

The object's methods may be accessed by $ e.g. $send() or $recv(). These methods mirror their functional equivalents, with the same arguments and defaults, apart from that the first argument of the functional equivalent is mapped to the object's encapsulated socket (or context, if active) and does not need to be supplied.

More complex network topologies may be created by binding further dialers or listeners using the object's $dial() and $listen() methods. The new dialer/listener will be attached to the object e.g. if the object already has a dialer, then at $dialer[[2]] etc.

Note that $dialer_opt() and $listener_opt() methods will be available once dialers/listeners are attached to the object. These methods get or apply settings for all dialers or listeners equally. To get or apply settings for individual dialers/listeners, access them directly via $dialer[[2]] or $listener[[2]] etc.

The methods $opt(), and also $dialer_opt() or $listener_opt() as may be applicable, will get the requested option if a single argument 'name' is provided, and will set the value for the option if both arguments 'name' and 'value' are provided.

For Dialers or Listeners not automatically started, the $dialer_start() or $listener_start() methods will be available. These act on the most recently created Dialer or Listener respectively.

For applicable protocols, new contexts may be created by using the $context_open() method. This will attach a new context at $context as well as a $context_close() method. While a context is active, all object methods use the context rather than the socket. A new context may be created by calling $context_open(), which will replace any existing context. It is only necessary to use $context_close() to close the existing context and revert to using the socket.


A nano object of class ‘nanoObject’.


nano <- nano("bus", listen = "inproc://nanonext")

nano$opt("send-timeout", 1500)

nano$listen(url = "inproc://nanonextgen")

nano1 <- nano("bus", dial = "inproc://nanonext")
nano$send("example test", mode = "raw")




nano cURL - a minimalist http(s) client.


  convert = TRUE,
  follow = FALSE,
  method = NULL,
  headers = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  response = NULL,
  timeout = NULL,
  tls = NULL



the URL address.


[default TRUE] logical value whether to attempt conversion of the received raw bytes to a character vector. Set to FALSE if downloading non-text data.


[default FALSE] logical value whether to automatically follow redirects (not applicable for async requests). If FALSE, the redirect address is returned as response header 'Location'.


(optional) the HTTP method as a character string. Defaults to 'GET' if not specified, and could also be 'POST', 'PUT' etc.


(optional) a named character vector specifying the HTTP request headers, for example:
c(Authorization = "Bearer APIKEY", `Content-Type` = "text/plain")
A non-character or non-named vector will be ignored.


(optional) character string request data to be submitted. If a vector, only the first element is taken, and non-character objects are ignored.


(optional) a character vector specifying the response headers to return e.g. c("date", "server"). These are case-insensitive and will return NULL if not present. A non-character vector will be ignored.


(optional) integer value in milliseconds after which the transaction times out if not yet complete.


(optional) applicable to secure HTTPS sites only, a client TLS Configuration object created by tls_config. If missing or NULL, certificates are not validated.


Named list of 3 elements:

  • $status - integer HTTP repsonse status code (200 - OK). Use status_code for a translation of the meaning.

  • $headers - named list of response headers supplied in 'response', or NULL otherwise. If the status code is within the 300 range, i.e. a redirect, the response header 'Location' is automatically appended to return the redirect address.

  • $data - the response body, as a character string if 'convert' = TRUE (may be further parsed as html, json, xml etc. as required), or a raw byte vector if FALSE (use writeBin to save as a file).

See Also

ncurl_aio for asynchronous http requests; ncurl_session for persistent connections.


       convert = FALSE,
       response = c("date", "content-type"),
       timeout = 1200L)
      method = "PUT",
      headers = c(Authorization = "Bearer APIKEY"),
      data = "hello world",
      timeout = 1500L)
      method = "POST",
      headers = c(`Content-Type` = "application/json"),
      data = '{"key":"value"}',
      timeout = 1500L)

ncurl Async


nano cURL - a minimalist http(s) client - async edition.


  convert = TRUE,
  method = NULL,
  headers = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  response = NULL,
  timeout = NULL,
  tls = NULL



the URL address.


[default TRUE] logical value whether to attempt conversion of the received raw bytes to a character vector. Set to FALSE if downloading non-text data.


(optional) the HTTP method as a character string. Defaults to 'GET' if not specified, and could also be 'POST', 'PUT' etc.


(optional) a named character vector specifying the HTTP request headers, for example:
c(Authorization = "Bearer APIKEY", `Content-Type` = "text/plain")
A non-character or non-named vector will be ignored.


(optional) character string request data to be submitted. If a vector, only the first element is taken, and non-character objects are ignored.


(optional) a character vector specifying the response headers to return e.g. c("date", "server"). These are case-insensitive and will return NULL if not present. A non-character vector will be ignored.


(optional) integer value in milliseconds after which the transaction times out if not yet complete.


(optional) applicable to secure HTTPS sites only, a client TLS Configuration object created by tls_config. If missing or NULL, certificates are not validated.


An 'ncurlAio' (object of class 'ncurlAio' and 'recvAio') (invisibly). The following elements may be accessed:

  • $status - integer HTTP repsonse status code (200 - OK). Use status_code for a translation of the meaning.

  • $headers - named list of response headers supplied in 'response', or NULL otherwise. If the status code is within the 300 range, i.e. a redirect, the response header 'Location' is automatically appended to return the redirect address.

  • $data - the response body, as a character string if 'convert' = TRUE (may be further parsed as html, json, xml etc. as required), or a raw byte vector if FALSE (use writeBin to save as a file).


‘ncurlAio’ may be used anywhere that accepts a ‘promise’ from the promises package through the included as.promise method.

The promises created are completely event-driven and non-polling.

If a status code of 200 (OK) is returned then the promise is resolved with the reponse body, otherwise it is rejected with a translation of the status code or ‘errorValue’ as the case may be.

See Also

ncurl_session for persistent connections.


nc <- ncurl_aio("",
                response = c("date", "server"),
                timeout = 2000L)

if (interactive() && requireNamespace("promises", quietly = TRUE)) {

p <- as.promise(nc)

p2 <- ncurl_aio("") %...>% cat


ncurl Session


nano cURL - a minimalist http(s) client. A session encapsulates a connection, along with all related parameters, and may be used to return data multiple times by repeatedly calling transact, which transacts once over the connection.


  convert = TRUE,
  method = NULL,
  headers = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  response = NULL,
  timeout = NULL,
  tls = NULL




the URL address.


[default TRUE] logical value whether to attempt conversion of the received raw bytes to a character vector. Set to FALSE if downloading non-text data.


(optional) the HTTP method as a character string. Defaults to 'GET' if not specified, and could also be 'POST', 'PUT' etc.


(optional) a named character vector specifying the HTTP request headers, for example:
c(Authorization = "Bearer APIKEY", `Content-Type` = "text/plain")
A non-character or non-named vector will be ignored.


(optional) character string request data to be submitted. If a vector, only the first element is taken, and non-character objects are ignored.


(optional) a character vector specifying the response headers to return e.g. c("date", "server"). These are case-insensitive and will return NULL if not present. A non-character vector will be ignored.


(optional) integer value in milliseconds after which the connection and subsequent transact attempts time out.


(optional) applicable to secure HTTPS sites only, a client TLS Configuration object created by tls_config. If missing or NULL, certificates are not validated.


an 'ncurlSession' object.


For ncurl_session: an 'ncurlSession' object if successful, or else an 'errorValue'.

For transact: a named list of 3 elements:

  • $status - integer HTTP repsonse status code (200 - OK). Use status_code for a translation of the meaning.

  • $headers - named list of response headers (if specified in the session), or NULL otherwise. If the status code is within the 300 range, i.e. a redirect, the response header 'Location' is automatically appended to return the redirect address.

  • $data - the response body as a character string (if 'convert = TRUE' was specified for the session), which may be further parsed as html, json, xml etc. as required, or else a raw byte vector, which may be saved as a file using writeBin.

See Also

ncurl_aio for asynchronous http requests.


s <- ncurl_session("",
                   response = "date",
                   timeout = 2000L)
if (is_ncurl_session(s)) transact(s)
if (is_ncurl_session(s)) close(s)

Translate Error Codes


Translate integer exit codes generated by the NNG library. All package functions return an integer exit code on error rather than the expected return value. These are classed ‘errorValue’ and may be checked by is_error_value.





integer exit code to translate.


A character string comprising the error code and error message separated by ‘ | ’.



NNG Library Version


Returns the versions of the ‘libnng’ and ‘libmbedtls’ libraries used by the package.




A character vector of length 2.



Get and Set Options for a Socket, Context, Stream, Listener or Dialer


Get and set the value of options for a Socket, Context, Stream, Listener or Dialer.


opt(object, name)

opt(object, name) <- value



a Socket, Context, Stream, Listener or Dialer.


name of option, e.g. 'recv-buffer', as a character string. See below options details.


value of option. Supply character type for 'string' options, integer or double for 'int', 'duration', 'size' and 'uint64', and logical for 'bool'.


Note: once a dialer or listener has started, it is not generally possible to change its configuration. Hence create the dialer or listener with autostart = FALSE if configuration needs to be set.

To get or set options on a Listener or Dialer attached to a Socket or nano object, pass in the objects directly via for example $listener[[1]] for the first Listener.

Some options are only meaningful or supported in certain contexts; for example there is no single meaningful address for a socket, since sockets can have multiple dialers and endpoints associated with them.

For an authoritative guide please refer to the online documentation for the NNG library at


The value of the option (logical for type 'bool', integer for 'int', 'duration' and 'size', character for 'string', and double for 'uint64').


Apart from the NNG options documented below, there is the following special option:

  • 'serial' [type list]

    For Sockets only. This accepts a configuration created by serial_config. Setting a new configuration replaces any already set. To remove entirely, supply an empty list. Note: this option is write-only and can be set but not retrieved.

Global Options

  • 'reconnect-time-min' [type 'ms']

    This is the minimum amount of time (milliseconds) to wait before attempting to establish a connection after a previous attempt has failed. This can be set on a socket, but it can also be overridden on an individual dialer. The option is irrelevant for listeners.

  • 'reconnect-time-max' [type 'ms']

    This is the maximum amount of time (milliseconds) to wait before attempting to establish a connection after a previous attempt has failed. If this is non-zero, then the time between successive connection attempts will start at the value of 'reconnect-time-min', and grow exponentially, until it reaches this value. If this value is zero, then no exponential back-off between connection attempts is done, and each attempt will wait the time specified by 'reconnect-time-min'. This can be set on a socket, but it can also be overridden on an individual dialer. The option is irrelevant for listeners.

  • 'recv-size-max' [type 'size']

    This is the maximum message size that the will be accepted from a remote peer. If a peer attempts to send a message larger than this, then the message will be discarded. If the value of this is zero, then no limit on message sizes is enforced. This option exists to prevent certain kinds of denial-of-service attacks, where a malicious agent can claim to want to send an extraordinarily large message, without sending any data. This option can be set for the socket, but may be overridden for on a per-dialer or per-listener basis. NOTE: Applications on hostile networks should set this to a non-zero value to prevent denial-of-service attacks. NOTE: Some transports may have further message size restrictions.

  • 'recv-buffer' [type 'int']

    This is the depth of the socket’s receive buffer as a number of messages. Messages received by a transport may be buffered until the application has accepted them for delivery. This value must be an integer between 0 and 8192, inclusive. NOTE: Not all protocols support buffering received messages. For example req can only deal with a single reply at a time.

  • 'recv-timeout' [type 'ms']

    This is the socket receive timeout in milliseconds. When no message is available for receiving at the socket for this period of time, receive operations will fail with a return value of 5L ('timed out').

  • 'send-buffer' [type 'int']

    This is the depth of the socket send buffer as a number of messages. Messages sent by an application may be buffered by the socket until a transport is ready to accept them for delivery. This value must be an integer between 0 and 8192, inclusive. NOTE: Not all protocols support buffering sent messages; generally multicast protocols like pub will simply discard messages when they cannot be delivered immediately.

  • 'send-timeout' [type 'ms']

    This is the socket send timeout in milliseconds. When a message cannot be queued for delivery by the socket for this period of time (such as if send buffers are full), the operation will fail with a return value of 5L ('timed out').

  • 'recv-fd' [type 'int']

    This is the socket receive file descriptor. For supported protocols, this will become readable when a message is available for receiving on the socket. Attempts should not be made to read or write to the returned file descriptor, but it is suitable for use with poll(), select(), or WSAPoll() on Windows, and similar functions.

  • 'send-fd' [type 'int']

    This is the socket send file descriptor. Attempts should not be made to read or write to the returned file descriptor, but it is suitable for use with poll(), select(), or WSAPoll() on Windows, and similar functions.

  • 'socket-name' [type 'string']

    This is the socket name. By default this is a string corresponding to the value of the socket. The string must fit within 64-bytes, including the terminating NUL byte. The value is intended for application use, and is not used for anything in the library itself.

  • 'url' [type 'string']

    This read-only option is used on a listener or dialer to obtain the URL with which it was configured.

Protocol-specific Options

  • 'req:resend-time' [type 'ms']

    (Request protocol) When a new request is started, a timer of this duration is also started. If no reply is received before this timer expires, then the request will be resent. (Requests are also automatically resent if the peer to whom the original request was sent disconnects, or if a peer becomes available while the requester is waiting for an available peer.)

  • 'sub:subscribe' [type 'string']

    (Subscribe protocol) This option registers a topic that the subscriber is interested in. Each incoming message is checked against the list of subscribed topics. If the body begins with the entire set of bytes in the topic, then the message is accepted. If no topic matches, then the message is discarded. To receive all messages, set the topic to NULL.

  • 'sub:unsubscribe' [type 'string']

    (Subscribe protocol) This option removes a topic from the subscription list. Note that if the topic was not previously subscribed to with 'sub:subscribe' then an 'entry not found' error will result.

  • 'sub:prefnew' [type 'bool']

    (Subscribe protocol) This option specifies the behavior of the subscriber when the queue is full. When TRUE (the default), the subscriber will make room in the queue by removing the oldest message. When FALSE, the subscriber will reject messages if the message queue does not have room.

  • 'surveyor:survey-time' [type 'ms']

    (Surveyor protocol) Duration of surveys. When a new survey is started, a timer of this duration is also started. Any responses arriving after this time will be discarded. Attempts to receive after the timer expires with no other surveys started will result in an 'incorrect state' error. Attempts to receive when this timer expires will result in a 'timed out' error.

Transport-specific Options

  • 'ipc:permissions' [type 'int']

    (IPC transport) This option may be applied to a listener to configure the permissions that are used on the UNIX domain socket created by that listener. This property is only supported on POSIX systems. The value is of type int, representing the normal permission bits on a file, such as 0600 (typically meaning read-write to the owner, and no permissions for anyone else.) The default is system-specific, most often 0644.

  • 'tcp-nodelay' [type 'bool']

    (TCP transport) This option is used to disable (or enable) the use of Nagle's algorithm for TCP connections. When TRUE (the default), messages are sent immediately by the underlying TCP stream without waiting to gather more data. When FALSE, Nagle’s algorithm is enabled, and the TCP stream may wait briefly in an attempt to coalesce messages. Nagle’s algorithm is useful on low-bandwidth connections to reduce overhead, but it comes at a cost to latency. When used on a dialer or a listener, the value affects how newly created connections will be configured.

  • 'tcp-keepalive' [type 'bool']

    (TCP transport) This option is used to enable the sending of keep-alive messages on the underlying TCP stream. This option is FALSE by default. When enabled, if no messages are seen for a period of time, then a zero length TCP message is sent with the ACK flag set in an attempt to tickle some traffic from the peer. If none is still seen (after some platform-specific number of retries and timeouts), then the remote peer is presumed dead, and the connection is closed. When used on a dialer or a listener, the value affects how newly created connections will be configured. This option has two purposes. First, it can be used to detect dead peers on an otherwise quiescent network. Second, it can be used to keep connection table entries in NAT and other middleware from expiring due to lack of activity.

  • 'tcp-bound-port' [type 'int']

    (TCP transport) Local TCP port number. This is used on a listener, and is intended to be used after starting the listener in combination with a wildcard (0) local port. This determines the actual ephemeral port that was selected and bound. The value is provided as an integer, but only the low order 16 bits will be set, and is in native byte order for convenience.

  • 'ws:request-headers' [type 'string']

    (WebSocket transport) Concatenation of multiple lines terminated by CRLF sequences, that can be used to add further headers to the HTTP request sent when connecting. This option can be set on dialers, and must be done before the transport is started.

  • 'ws:response-headers' [type 'string']

    (WebSocket transport) Concatenation of multiple lines terminated by CRLF sequences, that can be used to add further headers to the HTTP response sent when connecting. This option can be set on listeners, and must be done before the transport is started.

  • 'ws:request-uri' [type 'string']

    (WebSocket transport) For obtaining the URI sent by the client. This can be useful when a handler supports an entire directory tree.


s <- socket("pair")
opt(s, "send-buffer")

s <- socket("req")
ctx <- context(s)
opt(ctx, "send-timeout")

s <- socket("pair", dial = "inproc://nanonext", autostart = FALSE)
opt(s$dialer[[1]], "reconnect-time-min")

s <- socket("pair", listen = "inproc://nanonext", autostart = FALSE)
opt(s$listener[[1]], "recv-size-max")

s <- socket("pair")
opt(s, "recv-timeout") <- 2000

s <- socket("req")
ctx <- context(s)
opt(ctx, "send-timeout") <- 2000

s <- socket("pair", dial = "inproc://nanonext", autostart = FALSE)
opt(s$dialer[[1]], "reconnect-time-min") <- 2000

s <- socket("pair", listen = "inproc://nanonext", autostart = FALSE)
opt(s$listener[[1]], "recv-size-max") <- 1024

Parse URL


Parses a character string containing an RFC 3986 compliant URL as per NNG.





character string containing a URL.


A named character vector of length 10, comprising:

  • rawurl - the unparsed URL string.

  • scheme - the URL scheme, such as "http" or "inproc" (always lower case).

  • userinfo - the username and password if supplied in the URL string.

  • host - the full host part of the URL, including the port if present (separated by a colon).

  • hostname - the name of the host.

  • port - the port (if not specified, the default port if defined by the scheme).

  • path - the path, typically used with HTTP or WebSocket.

  • query - the query info (typically following ? in the URL).

  • fragment - used for specifying an anchor, the part after # in a URL.

  • requri - the full Request-URI (path[?query][#fragment]).

Values that cannot be determined are represented by an empty string ''.


parse_url("https://user:[email protected]:8080/type/path?q=info#intro")

Pipe Notify


Signals a ‘conditionVariable’ whenever pipes (individual connections) are added or removed at a socket.


pipe_notify(socket, cv, cv2 = NULL, add = FALSE, remove = FALSE, flag = FALSE)



a Socket.


a ‘conditionVariable’ to signal, or NULL to cancel a previously set signal.


[default NULL] optionally, if specified, a second ‘conditionVariable’ to signal. Note that this cv is signalled sequentially after the first condition variable.


[default FALSE] logical value whether to signal (or cancel signal) when a pipe is added.


[default FALSE] logical value whether to signal (or cancel signal) when a pipe is removed.


[default FALSE] logical value whether to also set a flag in the ‘conditionVariable’. This can help distinguish between different types of signal, and causes any subsequent wait to return FALSE instead of TRUE. If a signal from the tools package, e.g. tools::SIGINT, or an equivalent integer value is supplied, this sets a flag and additionally raises this signal upon the flag being set.


For add: this event occurs after the pipe is fully added to the socket. Prior to this time, it is not possible to communicate over the pipe with the socket.

For remove: this event occurs after the pipe has been removed from the socket. The underlying transport may be closed at this point, and it is not possible to communicate using this pipe.


Invisibly, zero on success (will otherwise error).


s <- socket(listen = "inproc://nanopipe")
cv <- cv()
cv2 <- cv()

pipe_notify(s, cv, cv2, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE, flag = TRUE)

s1 <- socket(dial = "inproc://nanopipe")

pipe_notify(s, NULL, add = TRUE, remove = TRUE)
s1 <- socket(dial = "inproc://nanopipe")



Protocols [Documentation]


Protocols implemented by nanonext.

For an authoritative guide please refer to the online documentation for the NNG library at

Bus (mesh networks)

[protocol, bus] The bus protocol is useful for routing applications or for building mesh networks where every peer is connected to every other peer.

In this protocol, each message sent by a node is sent to every one of its directly-connected peers. This protocol may be used to send and receive messages. Sending messages will attempt to deliver to each directly connected peer. Indirectly-connected peers will not receive messages. When using this protocol to build mesh networks, it is therefore important that a fully-connected mesh network be constructed.

All message delivery in this pattern is best-effort, which means that peers may not receive messages. Furthermore, delivery may occur to some, all, or none of the directly connected peers (messages are not delivered when peer nodes are unable to receive). Hence, send operations will never block; instead if the message cannot be delivered for any reason it is discarded.

Pair (two-way radio)

[protocol, pair] This is NNG's pair v0. The pair protocol implements a peer-to-peer pattern, where relationships between peers are one-to-one. Only one peer may be connected to another peer at a time, but both may send and receive messages freely.

Normally, this pattern will block when attempting to send a message if no peer is able to receive the message.

Poly (one-to-one of many)

[protocol, poly] This is NNG's pair v1 polyamorous mode. It allows a socket to communicate with multiple directly-connected peers.

If no remote peer is specified by the sender, then the protocol will select any available connected peer.

If the peer on the given pipe is not able to receive (or the pipe is no longer available, such as if the peer has disconnected), then the message will be discarded with no notification to the sender.

Push/Pull (one-way pipeline)

In the pipeline pattern, pushers distribute messages to pullers, hence useful for solving producer/consumer problems.

If multiple peers are connected, the pattern attempts to distribute fairly. Each message sent by a pusher will be sent to one of its peer pullers, chosen in a round-robin fashion. This property makes this pattern useful in load-balancing scenarios.

[protocol, push] The push protocol is one half of a pipeline pattern. The other side is the pull protocol.

[protocol, pull] The pull protocol is one half of a pipeline pattern. The other half is the push protocol.

Publisher/Subscriber (topics & broadcast)

In a publisher/subscriber pattern, a publisher sends data, which is broadcast to all subscribers. The subscriber only see the data to which they have subscribed.

[protocol, pub] The pub protocol is one half of a publisher/subscriber pattern. This protocol may be used to send messages, but is unable to receive them.

[protocol, sub] The sub protocol is one half of a publisher/subscriber pattern. This protocol may be used to receive messages, but is unable to send them.

Request/Reply (RPC)

In a request/reply pattern, a requester sends a message to one replier, who is expected to reply with a single answer. This is used for synchronous communications, for example remote procedure calls (RPCs).

The request is resent automatically if no reply arrives, until a reply is received or the request times out.

[protocol, req] The req protocol is one half of a request/reply pattern. This socket may be used to send messages (requests), and then to receive replies. Generally a reply can only be received after sending a request.

[protocol, rep] The rep protocol is one half of a request/reply pattern. This socket may be used to receive messages (requests), and then to send replies. Generally a reply can only be sent after receiving a request.

Surveyor/Respondent (voting & service discovery)

In a survey pattern, a surveyor sends a survey, which is broadcast to all peer respondents. The respondents then have a chance to reply (but are not obliged). The survey itself is a timed event, so that responses received after the survey has finished are discarded.

[protocol, surveyor] The surveyor protocol is one half of a survey pattern. This protocol may be used to send messages (surveys), and then to receive replies. A reply can only be received after sending a survey. A surveyor can normally expect to receive at most one reply from each responder (messages may be duplicated in some topologies, so there is no guarantee of this).

[protocol, respondent] The respondent protocol is one half of a survey pattern. This protocol may be used to receive messages, and then to send replies. A reply can only be sent after receiving a survey, and generally the reply will be sent to the surveyor from which the last survey was received.

Random Data Generation


Strictly not for use in statistical analysis. Non-reproducible and with unknown statistical properties. Provides an alternative source of randomness from the Mbed TLS library for purposes such as cryptographic key generation. Mbed TLS uses a block-cipher in counter mode operation, as defined in NIST SP800-90A: Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators. The implementation uses AES-256 as the underlying block cipher, with a derivation function, and an entropy collector combining entropy from multiple sources including at least one strong entropy source.


random(n = 1L, convert = TRUE)



[default 1L] integer random bytes to generate (from 0 to 1024), coerced to integer if required. If a vector, the first element is taken.


[default TRUE] logical FALSE to return a raw vector, or TRUE to return the hex representation of the bytes as a character string.


A length ‘n’ raw vector, or length one vector of ‘2n’ random characters, depending on the value of ‘convert’ supplied.


Results obtained are independent of and do not alter the state of R's own pseudo-random number generators.


random(n = 8L, convert = FALSE)



An alternative to close for Sockets, Contexts, Listeners, Dialers and Pipes avoiding S3 method dispatch.





a Socket, Context, Listener, Dialer or Pipe.


May be used on unclassed external pointers e.g. those created by .context. Returns silently and does not warn or error, nor does it update the state of object attributes.


An integer exit code (zero on success).

See Also



s <- socket("req")
ctx <- .context(s)




Receive data over a connection (Socket, Context or Stream).


  mode = c("serial", "character", "complex", "double", "integer", "logical", "numeric",
    "raw", "string"),
  block = NULL,
  n = 65536L



a Socket, Context or Stream.


[default 'serial'] character value or integer equivalent - one of ‘serial’ (1L), ‘character’ (2L), ‘complex’ (3L), ‘double’ (4L), ‘integer’ (5L), ‘logical’ (6L), ‘numeric’ (7L), ‘raw’ (8L), or ‘string’ (9L). The default ‘serial’ means a serialised R object; for the other modes, received bytes are converted into the respective mode. ‘string’ is a faster option for length one character vectors. For Streams, ‘serial’ is not an option and the default is ‘character’.


[default NULL] which applies the connection default (see section ‘Blocking’ below). Specify logical TRUE to block until successful or FALSE to return immediately even if unsuccessful (e.g. if no connection is available), or else an integer value specifying the maximum time to block in milliseconds, after which the operation will time out.


[default 65536L] applicable to Streams only, the maximum number of bytes to receive. Can be an over-estimate, but note that a buffer of this size is reserved.


The received data in the ‘mode’ specified.


In case of an error, an integer ‘errorValue’ is returned (to be distiguishable from an integer message value). This can be verified using is_error_value.

If an error occurred in unserialization or conversion of the message data to the specified mode, a raw vector will be returned instead to allow recovery (accompanied by a warning).


For Sockets and Contexts: the default behaviour is non-blocking with block = FALSE. This will return immediately with an error if no messages are available.

For Streams: the default behaviour is blocking with block = TRUE. This will wait until a message is received. Set a timeout to ensure that the function returns under all scenarios. As the underlying implementation uses an asynchronous receive with a wait, it is recommended to set a small positive value for block rather than FALSE.

See Also

recv_aio for asynchronous receive.


s1 <- socket("pair", listen = "inproc://nanonext")
s2 <- socket("pair", dial = "inproc://nanonext")

send(s1, data.frame(a = 1, b = 2))
res <- recv(s2)
send(s1, data.frame(a = 1, b = 2))

send(s1, c(1.1, 2.2, 3.3), mode = "raw")
res <- recv(s2, mode = "double", block = 100)
send(s1, "example message", mode = "raw")
recv(s2, mode = "character")


req <- socket("req", listen = "inproc://nanonext")
rep <- socket("rep", dial = "inproc://nanonext")

ctxq <- context(req)
ctxp <- context(rep)
send(ctxq, data.frame(a = 1, b = 2), block = 100)
recv(ctxp, block = 100)

send(ctxq, c(1.1, 2.2, 3.3), mode = "raw", block = 100)
recv(ctxp, mode = "double", block = 100)


Receive Async


Receive data asynchronously over a connection (Socket, Context or Stream).


  mode = c("serial", "character", "complex", "double", "integer", "logical", "numeric",
    "raw", "string"),
  timeout = NULL,
  cv = NULL,
  n = 65536L



a Socket, Context or Stream.


[default 'serial'] character value or integer equivalent - one of ‘serial’ (1L), ‘character’ (2L), ‘complex’ (3L), ‘double’ (4L), ‘integer’ (5L), ‘logical’ (6L), ‘numeric’ (7L), ‘raw’ (8L), or ‘string’ (9L). The default ‘serial’ means a serialised R object; for the other modes, received bytes are converted into the respective mode. ‘string’ is a faster option for length one character vectors. For Streams, ‘serial’ is not an option and the default is ‘character’.


[default NULL] integer value in milliseconds or NULL, which applies a socket-specific default, usually the same as no timeout.


(optional) a ‘conditionVariable’ to signal when the async receive is complete.


[default 65536L] applicable to Streams only, the maximum number of bytes to receive. Can be an over-estimate, but note that a buffer of this size is reserved.


Async receive is always non-blocking and returns a ‘recvAio’ immediately.

For a ‘recvAio’, the received message is available at $data. An ‘unresolved’ logical NA is returned if the async operation is yet to complete.

To wait for the async operation to complete and retrieve the received message, use call_aio on the returned ‘recvAio’ object.

Alternatively, to stop the async operation, use stop_aio.

In case of an error, an integer ‘errorValue’ is returned (to be distiguishable from an integer message value). This can be checked using is_error_value.

If an error occurred in unserialization or conversion of the message data to the specified mode, a raw vector will be returned instead to allow recovery (accompanied by a warning).


A ‘recvAio’ (object of class ‘recvAio’) (invisibly).


By supplying a ‘conditionVariable’, when the receive is complete, the ‘conditionVariable’ is signalled by incrementing its value by 1. This happens asynchronously and independently of the R execution thread.


s1 <- socket("pair", listen = "inproc://nanonext")
s2 <- socket("pair", dial = "inproc://nanonext")

res <- send_aio(s1, data.frame(a = 1, b = 2), timeout = 100)
msg <- recv_aio(s2, timeout = 100)

res <- send_aio(s1, c(1.1, 2.2, 3.3), mode = "raw", timeout = 100)
msg <- recv_aio(s2, mode = "double", timeout = 100)

res <- send_aio(s1, "example message", mode = "raw", timeout = 100)
msg <- recv_aio(s2, mode = "character", timeout = 100)


# Signalling a condition variable

s1 <- socket("pair", listen = "tcp://")
cv <- cv()
msg <- recv_aio(s1, timeout = 100, cv = cv)
until(cv, 10L)

# in another process in parallel
s2 <- socket("pair", dial = "tcp://")
res <- send_aio(s2, c(1.1, 2.2, 3.3), mode = "raw", timeout = 100)

Reply over Context (RPC Server for Req/Rep Protocol)


Implements an executor/server for the rep node of the req/rep protocol. Awaits data, applies an arbitrary specified function, and returns the result to the caller/client.


  recv_mode = c("serial", "character", "complex", "double", "integer", "logical",
    "numeric", "raw"),
  send_mode = c("serial", "raw"),
  timeout = NULL,



a Context.


a function which takes the received (converted) data as its first argument. Can be an anonymous function of the form function(x) do(x). Additional arguments can also be passed in through ‘...’.


[default 'serial'] character value or integer equivalent - one of ‘serial’ (1L), ‘character’ (2L), ‘complex’ (3L), ‘double’ (4L), ‘integer’ (5L), ‘logical’ (6L), ‘numeric’ (7L), ‘raw’ (8L), or ‘string’ (9L). The default ‘serial’ means a serialised R object; for the other modes, received bytes are converted into the respective mode. ‘string’ is a faster option for length one character vectors.


[default 'serial'] character value or integer equivalent - either ‘serial’ (1L) to send serialised R objects, or ‘raw’ (2L) to send atomic vectors of any type as a raw byte vector.


[default NULL] integer value in milliseconds or NULL, which applies a socket-specific default, usually the same as no timeout. Note that this applies to receiving the request. The total elapsed time would also include performing 'execute' on the received data. The timeout then also applies to sending the result (in the event that the requestor has become unavailable since sending the request).


additional arguments passed to the function specified by 'execute'.


Receive will block while awaiting a message to arrive and is usually the desired behaviour. Set a timeout to allow the function to return if no data is forthcoming.

In the event of an error in either processing the messages or in evaluation of the function with respect to the data, a nul byte 00 (or serialized nul byte) will be sent in reply to the client to signal an error. This is to be distinguishable from a possible return value. is_nul_byte can be used to test for a nul byte.


Integer exit code (zero on success).

Send Modes

The default mode ‘serial’ sends serialised R objects to ensure perfect reproducibility within R. When receiving, the corresponding mode ‘serial’ should be used. Custom serialization and unserialization functions for reference objects may be enabled by the function serial_config.

Mode ‘raw’ sends atomic vectors of any type as a raw byte vector, and must be used when interfacing with external applications or raw system sockets, where R serialization is not in use. When receiving, the mode corresponding to the vector sent should be used.


req <- socket("req", listen = "tcp://")
rep <- socket("rep", dial = "tcp://")

ctxq <- context(req)
ctxp <- context(rep)

send(ctxq, 2022, block = 100)
reply(ctxp, execute = function(x) x + 1, send_mode = "raw", timeout = 100)
recv(ctxq, mode = "double", block = 100)

send(ctxq, 100, mode = "raw", block = 100)
reply(ctxp, recv_mode = "double", execute = log, base = 10, timeout = 100)
recv(ctxq, block = 100)


Request over Context (RPC Client for Req/Rep Protocol)


Implements a caller/client for the req node of the req/rep protocol. Sends data to the rep node (executor/server) and returns an Aio, which can be called for the value when required.


  send_mode = c("serial", "raw"),
  recv_mode = c("serial", "character", "complex", "double", "integer", "logical",
    "numeric", "raw", "string"),
  timeout = NULL,
  cv = NULL



a Context.


an object (if send_mode = ‘raw’, a vector).


[default 'serial'] character value or integer equivalent - either ‘serial’ (1L) to send serialised R objects, or ‘raw’ (2L) to send atomic vectors of any type as a raw byte vector.


[default 'serial'] character value or integer equivalent - one of ‘serial’ (1L), ‘character’ (2L), ‘complex’ (3L), ‘double’ (4L), ‘integer’ (5L), ‘logical’ (6L), ‘numeric’ (7L), ‘raw’ (8L), or ‘string’ (9L). The default ‘serial’ means a serialised R object; for the other modes, received bytes are converted into the respective mode. ‘string’ is a faster option for length one character vectors.


[default NULL] integer value in milliseconds or NULL, which applies a socket-specific default, usually the same as no timeout.


(optional) a ‘conditionVariable’ to signal when the async receive is complete, or NULL. If any other value is supplied, this will cause the pipe connection to be dropped when the async receive is complete.


Sending the request and receiving the result are both performed async, hence the function will return immediately with a ‘recvAio’ object. Access the return value at $data.

This is designed so that the process on the server can run concurrently without blocking the client.

Optionally use call_aio on the ‘recvAio’ to call (and wait for) the result.

If an error occured in the server process, a nul byte 00 will be received. This allows an error to be easily distinguished from a NULL return value. is_nul_byte can be used to test for a nul byte.

It is recommended to use a new context for each request to ensure consistent state tracking. For safety, the context used for the request is closed when all references to the returned ‘recvAio’ are removed and the object is garbage collected.


A ‘recvAio’ (object of class ‘mirai’ and ‘recvAio’) (invisibly).

Send Modes

The default mode ‘serial’ sends serialised R objects to ensure perfect reproducibility within R. When receiving, the corresponding mode ‘serial’ should be used. Custom serialization and unserialization functions for reference objects may be enabled by the function serial_config.

Mode ‘raw’ sends atomic vectors of any type as a raw byte vector, and must be used when interfacing with external applications or raw system sockets, where R serialization is not in use. When receiving, the mode corresponding to the vector sent should be used.


By supplying a ‘conditionVariable’, when the receive is complete, the ‘conditionVariable’ is signalled by incrementing its value by 1. This happens asynchronously and independently of the R execution thread.


## Not run: 

# works if req and rep are running in parallel in different processes

req <- socket("req", listen = "tcp://")
rep <- socket("rep", dial = "tcp://")

reply(.context(rep), execute = function(x) x + 1, timeout = 50)
aio <- request(.context(req), data = 2022)


# Signalling a condition variable

req <- socket("req", listen = "tcp://")
ctxq <- context(req)
cv <- cv()
aio <- request(ctxq, data = 2022, cv = cv)
until(cv, 10L)

# The following should be run in another process
rep <- socket("rep", dial = "tcp://")
ctxp <- context(rep)
reply(ctxp, execute = function(x) x + 1)

## End(Not run)



Send data over a connection (Socket, Context or Stream).


send(con, data, mode = c("serial", "raw"), block = NULL)



a Socket, Context or Stream.


an object (a vector, if mode = ‘raw’).


[default 'serial'] character value or integer equivalent - either ‘serial’ (1L) to send serialised R objects, or ‘raw’ (2L) to send atomic vectors of any type as a raw byte vector. For Streams, ‘raw’ is the only option and this argument is ignored.


[default NULL] which applies the connection default (see section ‘Blocking’ below). Specify logical TRUE to block until successful or FALSE to return immediately even if unsuccessful (e.g. if no connection is available), or else an integer value specifying the maximum time to block in milliseconds, after which the operation will time out.


An integer exit code (zero on success).


For Sockets and Contexts: the default behaviour is non-blocking with block = FALSE. This will return immediately with an error if the message could not be queued for sending. Certain protocol / transport combinations may limit the number of messages that can be queued if they have yet to be received.

For Streams: the default behaviour is blocking with block = TRUE. This will wait until the send has completed. Set a timeout to ensure that the function returns under all scenarios. As the underlying implementation uses an asynchronous send with a wait, it is recommended to set a small positive value for block rather than FALSE.

Send Modes

The default mode ‘serial’ sends serialised R objects to ensure perfect reproducibility within R. When receiving, the corresponding mode ‘serial’ should be used. Custom serialization and unserialization functions for reference objects may be enabled by the function serial_config.

Mode ‘raw’ sends atomic vectors of any type as a raw byte vector, and must be used when interfacing with external applications or raw system sockets, where R serialization is not in use. When receiving, the mode corresponding to the vector sent should be used.

See Also

send_aio for asynchronous send.


pub <- socket("pub", dial = "inproc://nanonext")

send(pub, data.frame(a = 1, b = 2))
send(pub, c(10.1, 20.2, 30.3), mode = "raw", block = 100)


req <- socket("req", listen = "inproc://nanonext")
rep <- socket("rep", dial = "inproc://nanonext")

ctx <- context(req)
send(ctx, data.frame(a = 1, b = 2), block = 100)

msg <- recv_aio(rep, timeout = 100)
send(ctx, c(1.1, 2.2, 3.3), mode = "raw", block = 100)


Send Async


Send data asynchronously over a connection (Socket, Context, Stream or Pipe).


send_aio(con, data, mode = c("serial", "raw"), timeout = NULL)



a Socket, Context, Stream or Pipe.


an object (a vector, if mode = ‘raw’).


[default 'serial'] character value or integer equivalent - either ‘serial’ (1L) to send serialised R objects, or ‘raw’ (2L) to send atomic vectors of any type as a raw byte vector. For Streams, ‘raw’ is the only option and this argument is ignored.


[default NULL] integer value in milliseconds or NULL, which applies a socket-specific default, usually the same as no timeout.


Async send is always non-blocking and returns a ‘sendAio’ immediately.

For a ‘sendAio’, the send result is available at $result. An ‘unresolved’ logical NA is returned if the async operation is yet to complete. The resolved value will be zero on success, or else an integer error code.

To wait for and check the result of the send operation, use call_aio on the returned ‘sendAio’ object.

Alternatively, to stop the async operation, use stop_aio.


A ‘sendAio’ (object of class ‘sendAio’) (invisibly).

Send Modes

The default mode ‘serial’ sends serialised R objects to ensure perfect reproducibility within R. When receiving, the corresponding mode ‘serial’ should be used. Custom serialization and unserialization functions for reference objects may be enabled by the function serial_config.

Mode ‘raw’ sends atomic vectors of any type as a raw byte vector, and must be used when interfacing with external applications or raw system sockets, where R serialization is not in use. When receiving, the mode corresponding to the vector sent should be used.


pub <- socket("pub", dial = "inproc://nanonext")

res <- send_aio(pub, data.frame(a = 1, b = 2), timeout = 100)

res <- send_aio(pub, "example message", mode = "raw", timeout = 100)


Create Serialization Configuration


Returns a serialization configuration, which may be set on a Socket for custom serialization and unserialization of non-system reference objects, allowing these to be sent and received between different R sessions. This utilises the 'refhook' system of R native serialization. Once set, the functions apply to all send and receive operations performed in mode ‘serial’ over the Socket or Context created from the Socket.


serial_config(class, sfunc, ufunc, vec = FALSE)



character string of the class of object custom serialization functions are applied to, e.g. ‘ArrowTabular’ or ‘torch_tensor’.


a function that accepts a reference object inheriting from ‘class’ (or a list of such objects) and returns a raw vector.


a function that accepts a raw vector and returns a reference object (or list of such objects).


[default FALSE] whether or not the serialization functions are vectorized. If FALSE, they should accept and return reference objects individually e.g. arrow::write_to_raw and arrow::read_ipc_stream. If TRUE, they should accept and return a list of reference objects, e.g. torch::torch_serialize and torch::torch_load.


A list comprising the configuration. This should be set on a Socket using opt<- with option name ‘serial’.


cfg <- serial_config("test_cls", function(x) serialize(x, NULL), unserialize)

s <- socket()
opt(s, "serial") <- cfg

# provide an empty list to remove registered functions
opt(s, "serial") <- list()


Open Socket


Open a Socket implementing ‘protocol’, and optionally dial (establish an outgoing connection) or listen (accept an incoming connection) at an address.


  protocol = c("bus", "pair", "poly", "push", "pull", "pub", "sub", "req", "rep",
    "surveyor", "respondent"),
  dial = NULL,
  listen = NULL,
  tls = NULL,
  autostart = TRUE,
  raw = FALSE



[default 'bus'] choose protocol - ‘bus’, ‘pair’, ‘poly’, ‘push’, ‘pull’, ‘pub’, ‘sub’, ‘req’, ‘rep’, ‘surveyor’, or ‘respondent’ - see protocols.


(optional) a URL to dial, specifying the transport and address as a character string e.g. 'inproc://anyvalue' or 'tcp://' (see transports).


(optional) a URL to listen at, specifying the transport and address as a character string e.g. 'inproc://anyvalue' or 'tcp://' (see transports).


[default NULL] for secure tls+tcp:// or wss:// connections only, provide a TLS configuration object created by tls_config.


[default TRUE] whether to start the dialer/listener. Set to FALSE if setting configuration options on the dialer/listener as it is not generally possible to change these once started. For dialers only: set to NA to start synchronously - this is less resilient if a connection is not immediately possible, but avoids subtle errors from attempting to use the socket before an asynchronous dial has completed.


[default FALSE] whether to open raw mode sockets. Note: not for general use - do not enable unless you have a specific need (refer to NNG documentation).


NNG presents a socket view of networking. The sockets are constructed using protocol-specific functions, as a given socket implements precisely one protocol.

Each socket may be used to send and receive messages (if the protocol supports it, and implements the appropriate protocol semantics). For example, sub sockets automatically filter incoming messages to discard those for topics that have not been subscribed.

This function (optionally) binds a single Dialer and/or Listener to a Socket. More complex network topologies may be created by binding further Dialers / Listeners to the Socket as required using dial and listen.

New contexts may also be created using context if the protocol supports it.


A Socket (object of class ‘nanoSocket’ and ‘nano’).


The following Scalability Protocols (communication patterns) are implemented:

  • Bus (mesh networks) - protocol: 'bus'

  • Pair (two-way radio) - protocol: 'pair'

  • Poly (one-to-one of many) - protocol: 'poly'

  • Pipeline (one-way pipe) - protocol: 'push', 'pull'

  • Publisher/Subscriber (topics & broadcast) - protocol: 'pub', 'sub'

  • Request/Reply (RPC) - protocol: 'req', 'rep'

  • Survey (voting & service discovery) - protocol: 'surveyor', 'respondent'

Please see protocols for further documentation.


The following communications transports may be used:

  • Inproc (in-process) - url: 'inproc://'

  • IPC (inter-process communications) - url: 'ipc://' (or 'abstract://' on Linux)

  • TCP and TLS over TCP - url: 'tcp://' and 'tls+tcp://'

  • WebSocket and TLS over WebSocket - url: 'ws://' and 'wss://'

Please see transports for further documentation.


s <- socket(protocol = "req", listen = "inproc://nanosocket")
s1 <- socket(protocol = "rep", dial = "inproc://nanosocket")

send(s, "hello world!")


Start Listener/Dialer


Start a Listener/Dialer.


## S3 method for class 'nanoListener'
start(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'nanoDialer'
start(x, async = TRUE, ...)



a Listener or Dialer.


not used.


[default TRUE] (applicable to Dialers only) logical flag whether the connection attempt, including any name resolution, is to be made asynchronously. This behaviour is more resilient, but also generally makes diagnosing failures somewhat more difficult. If FALSE, failure, such as if the connection is refused, will be returned immediately, and no further action will be taken.


Invisibly, an integer exit code (zero on success).

Get Statistic for a Socket, Listener or Dialer


Obtain value of a statistic for a Socket, Listener or Dialer. This function exposes the stats interface of NNG.


stat(object, name)



a Socket, Listener or Dialer.


character name of statistic to return.


Note: the values of individual statistics are guaranteed to be atomic, but due to the way statistics are collected there may be discrepancies between them at times. For example, statistics counting bytes and messages received may not reflect the same number of messages, depending on when the snapshot is taken. This potential inconsistency arises as a result of optimisations to minimise the impact of statistics on actual operations.


The value of the statistic (character or double depending on the type of statistic requested) if available, or else NULL.


The following stats may be requested for a Socket:

  • 'id' - numeric id of the socket.

  • 'name' - character socket name.

  • 'protocol' - character protocol type e.g. 'bus'.

  • 'pipes' - numeric number of pipes (active connections).

  • 'dialers' - numeric number of listeners attached to the socket.

  • 'listeners' - numeric number of dialers attached to the socket.

The following stats may be requested for a Listener / Dialer:

  • 'id' - numeric id of the listener / dialer.

  • 'socket' - numeric id of the socket of the listener / dialer.

  • 'url' - character URL address.

  • 'pipes' - numeric number of pipes (active connections).

The following additional stats may be requested for a Listener:

  • 'accept' - numeric total number of connection attempts, whether successful or not.

  • 'reject' - numeric total number of rejected connection attempts e.g. due to incompatible protocols.

The following additional stats may be requested for a Dialer:

  • 'connect' - numeric total number of connection attempts, whether successful or not.

  • 'reject' - numeric total number of rejected connection attempts e.g. due to incompatible protocols.

  • 'refused' - numeric total number of refused connections e.g. when starting synchronously with no listener on the other side.


s <- socket("bus", listen = "inproc://stats")
stat(s, "pipes")

s1 <- socket("bus", dial = "inproc://stats")
stat(s, "pipes")

stat(s, "pipes")


Translate HTTP Status Codes


Provides an explanation for HTTP response status codes (in the range 100 to 599). If the status code is not defined as per RFC 9110, ‘Unknown HTTP Status’ is returned - this may be a custom code used by the server.





numeric HTTP status code to translate.


A character vector comprising the status code and explanation separated by ‘ | ’.



Stop Asynchronous Aio Operation


Stop an asynchronous Aio operation, or a list of Aio operations.





an Aio or list of Aios (objects of class ‘sendAio’, ‘recvAio’ or ‘ncurlAio’).


Stops the asynchronous I/O operation associated with ‘aio’ by aborting, and then waits for it to complete or to be completely aborted, and for the callback associated with the ‘aio’ to have completed executing. If successful, the ‘aio’ will resolve to an ‘errorValue’ 20 (Operation canceled).

Note this function operates silently and does not error even if ‘aio’ is not an active Aio, always returning invisible NULL.


Invisible NULL.

Open Stream


Open a Stream by either dialing (establishing an outgoing connection) or listening (accepting an incoming connection) at an address. This is a low-level interface intended for communicating with non-NNG endpoints.


stream(dial = NULL, listen = NULL, textframes = FALSE, tls = NULL)



a URL to dial, specifying the transport and address as a character string e.g. 'ipc:///tmp/anyvalue' or 'tcp://' (not all transports are supported).


a URL to listen at, specifying the transport and address as a character string e.g. 'ipc:///tmp/anyvalue' or 'tcp://' (not all transports are supported).


[default FALSE] applicable to the websocket transport only, enables sending and receiving of TEXT frames (ignored otherwise).


(optional) applicable to secure websockets only, a client or server TLS configuration object created by tls_config. If missing or NULL, certificates are not validated.


A Stream is used for raw byte stream connections. Byte streams are reliable in that data will not be delivered out of order, or with portions missing.

Can be used to dial a (secure) websocket address starting 'ws://' or 'wss://'. It is often the case that 'textframes' needs to be set to TRUE.

Specify only one of 'dial' or 'listen'. If both are specified, 'listen' will be ignored.


A Stream (object of class ‘nanoStream’ and ‘nano’).


# will succeed only if there is an open connection at the address:
s <- tryCatch(stream(dial = "tcp://"), error = identity)

Subscribe / Unsubscribe Topic


For a socket or context using the sub protocol in a publisher/subscriber pattern. Set a topic to subscribe to, or remove a topic from the subscription list.


subscribe(con, topic = NULL)

unsubscribe(con, topic = NULL)



a Socket or Context using the ‘sub’ protocol.


[default NULL] an atomic type or NULL. The default NULL subscribes to all topics / unsubscribes from all topics (if all topics were previously subscribed).


To use pub/sub the publisher must:

  • specify mode = 'raw' when sending.

  • ensure the sent vector starts with the topic.

The subscriber should then receive specifying the correct mode.


Invisibly, the passed Socket or Context.


pub <- socket("pub", listen = "inproc://nanonext")
sub <- socket("sub", dial = "inproc://nanonext")

subscribe(sub, "examples")

send(pub, c("examples", "this is an example"), mode = "raw")
recv(sub, "character")
send(pub, "examples will also be received", mode = "raw")
recv(sub, "character")
send(pub, c("other", "this other topic will not be received"), mode = "raw")
recv(sub, "character")
unsubscribe(sub, "examples")
send(pub, c("examples", "this example is no longer received"), mode = "raw")
recv(sub, "character")

subscribe(sub, 2)
send(pub, c(2, 10, 10, 20), mode = "raw")
recv(sub, "double")
unsubscribe(sub, 2)
send(pub, c(2, 10, 10, 20), mode = "raw")
recv(sub, "double")


Set Survey Time


For a socket or context using the surveyor protocol in a surveyor/respondent pattern. Set the survey timeout in milliseconds (remains valid for all subsequent surveys). Messages received by the surveyor after the timer has ended are discarded.


survey_time(con, value = 1000L)



a Socket or Context using the ‘surveyor’ protocol.


[default 1000L] integer survey timeout in milliseconds.


After using this function, to start a new survey, the surveyor must:

  • send a message.

  • switch to receiving responses.

To respond to a survey, the respondent must:

  • receive the survey message.

  • send a reply using send_aio before the survey has timed out (a reply can only be sent after receiving a survey).


Invisibly, the passed Socket or Context.


sur <- socket("surveyor", listen = "inproc://nanonext")
res <- socket("respondent", dial = "inproc://nanonext")

survey_time(sur, 1000)

send(sur, "reply to this survey")
aio <- recv_aio(sur)

s <- send_aio(res, "replied")



Create TLS Configuration


Create a TLS configuration object to be used for secure connections. Specify ‘client’ to create a client configuration or ‘server’ to create a server configuration.


tls_config(client = NULL, server = NULL, pass = NULL, auth = is.null(server))



either the character path to a file containing X.509 certificate(s) in PEM format, comprising the certificate authority certificate chain (and revocation list if present), used to validate certificates presented by peers,
or a length 2 character vector comprising [i] the certificate authority certificate chain and [ii] the certificate revocation list, or empty string '' if not applicable.


either the character path to a file containing the PEM-encoded TLS certificate and associated private key (may contain additional certificates leading to a validation chain, with the leaf certificate first),
or a length 2 character vector comprising [i] the TLS certificate (optionally certificate chain) and [ii] the associated private key.


(optional) required only if the secret key supplied to 'server' is encrypted with a password. For security, consider providing through a function that returns this value, rather than directly.


logical value whether to require authentication - by default TRUE for client and FALSE for server configurations. If TRUE, the session is only allowed to proceed if the peer has presented a certificate and it has been validated. If FALSE, authentication is optional, whereby a certificate is validated if presented by the peer, but the session allowed to proceed otherwise. If neither 'client' nor 'server' are supplied, then no authentication is performed and this argument has no effect.


Specify one of ‘client’ or ‘server’ only, or neither (in which case an empty client configuration is created), as a configuration can only be of one type.

For creating client configurations for public internet usage, root CA ceritficates may usually be found at ‘/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt’ on Linux systems. Otherwise, root CA certificates in PEM format are available at the Common CA Database site run by Mozilla: (select the Server Authentication SSL/TLS certificates text file). This link is not endorsed; use at your own risk.


A ‘tlsConfig’ object.


tls <- tls_config()
ncurl("", timeout = 1000L, tls = tls)

Transports [Documentation]


Transports supported by nanonext.

For an authoritative guide please refer to the online documentation for the NNG library at


The inproc transport provides communication support between sockets within the same process. This may be used as an alternative to slower transports when data must be moved within the same process. This transport tries hard to avoid copying data, and thus is very light-weight.

[URI, inproc://] This transport uses URIs using the scheme inproc://, followed by an arbitrary string of text, terminated by a NUL byte. inproc://nanonext is a valid example URL.

  • Multiple URIs can be used within the same application, and they will not interfere with one another.

  • Two applications may also use the same URI without interfering with each other, and they will be unable to communicate with each other using that URI.


The IPC transport provides communication support between sockets within different processes on the same host. For POSIX platforms, this is implemented using UNIX domain sockets. For Windows, this is implemented using Windows Named Pipes. Other platforms may have different implementation strategies.

Traditional Names

[URI, ipc://] This transport uses URIs using the scheme ipc://, followed by a path name in the file system where the socket or named pipe should be created.

  • On POSIX platforms, the path is taken literally, and is relative to the current directory, unless it begins with /, in which case it is relative to the root directory. For example, ipc://nanonext refers to the name nanonext in the current directory, whereas ipc:///tmp/nanonext refers to nanonext located in /tmp.

  • On Windows, all names are prefixed by \.\ pipe\ and do not reside in the normal file system - the required prefix is added automatically by NNG, so a URL of the form ipc://nanonext is fine.

UNIX Aliases

[URI, unix://] The unix:// scheme is an alias for ipc:// and can be used inter-changeably, but only on POSIX systems. The purpose of this scheme is to support a future transport making use of AF_UNIX on Windows systems, at which time it will be necessary to discriminate between the Named Pipes and the AF_UNIX based transports.

Abstract Names

[URI, abstract://] On Linux, this transport also can support abstract sockets. Abstract sockets use a URI-encoded name after the scheme, which allows arbitrary values to be conveyed in the path, including embedded NUL bytes. abstract://nanonext is a valid example URL.

  • Abstract sockets do not have any representation in the file system, and are automatically freed by the system when no longer in use. Abstract sockets ignore socket permissions, but it is still possible to determine the credentials of the peer.


The TCP transport provides communication support between sockets across a TCP/IP network. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported when supported by the underlying platform.

[URI, tcp://] This transport uses URIs using the scheme tcp://, followed by an IP address or hostname, followed by a colon and finally a TCP port number. For example, to contact port 80 on the localhost either of the following URIs could be used: tcp:// or tcp://localhost:80.

  • A URI may be restricted to IPv6 using the scheme tcp6://, and may be restricted to IPv4 using the scheme tcp4://

  • Note: Specifying tcp6:// may not prevent IPv4 hosts from being used with IPv4-in-IPv6 addresses, particularly when using a wildcard hostname with listeners. The details of this varies across operating systems.

  • Note: both tcp6:// and tcp4:// are specific to NNG, and might not be understood by other implementations.

  • It is recommended to use either numeric IP addresses, or names that are specific to either IPv4 or IPv6 to prevent confusion and surprises.

  • When specifying IPv6 addresses, the address must be enclosed in square brackets ([]) to avoid confusion with the final colon separating the port. For example, the same port 80 on the IPv6 loopback address (::1) would be specified as tcp://[::1]:80.

  • The special value of 0 (INADDR_ANY) can be used for a listener to indicate that it should listen on all interfaces on the host. A shorthand for this form is to either omit the address, or specify the asterisk (*) character. For example, the following three URIs are all equivalent, and could be used to listen to port 9999 on the host: (1) tcp:// (2) tcp://*:9999 (3) tcp://:9999


The TLS transport provides communication support between peers across a TCP/IP network using TLS v1.2 on top of TCP. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported when supported by the underlying platform.

[URI, tls+tcp://] This transport uses URIs using the scheme tls+tcp://, followed by an IP address or hostname, followed by a colon and finally a TCP port number. For example, to contact port 4433 on the localhost either of the following URIs could be used: tls+tcp:// or tls+tcp://localhost:4433.

  • A URI may be restricted to IPv6 using the scheme tls+tcp6://, or IPv4 using the scheme tls+tcp4://.


The ws and wss transport provides communication support between peers across a TCP/IP network using WebSockets. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported when supported by the underlying platform.

[URI, ws://] This transport uses URIs using the scheme ws://, followed by an IP address or hostname, optionally followed by a colon and a TCP port number, optionally followed by a path. (If no port number is specified then port 80 is assumed. If no path is specified then a path of / is assumed.) For example, the URI ws://localhost/app/pubsub would use port 80 on localhost, with the path /app/pubsub.

[URI, wss://] Secure WebSockets use the scheme wss://, and the default TCP port number of 443. Otherwise the format is the same as for regular WebSockets.

  • A URI may be restricted to IPv6 using the scheme ws6:// or wss6://, or IPv4 using the scheme ws4:// or wss4://.

  • When specifying IPv6 addresses, the address must be enclosed in square brackets ([]) to avoid confusion with the final colon separating the port. For example, the same path and port on the IPv6 loopback address (::1) would be specified as ws://[::1]/app/pubsub.

  • Note: The value specified as the host, if any, will also be used in the Host: HTTP header during HTTP negotiation.

  • To listen to all ports on the system, the host name may be elided from the URL on the listener. This will wind up listening to all interfaces on the system, with possible caveats for IPv4 and IPv6 depending on what the underlying system supports. (On most modern systems it will map to the special IPv6 address ::, and both IPv4 and IPv6 connections will be permitted, with IPv4 addresses mapped to IPv6 addresses.)

  • This transport makes use of shared HTTP server instances, permitting multiple sockets or listeners to be configured with the same hostname and port. When creating a new listener, it is registered with an existing HTTP server instance if one can be found. Note that the matching algorithm is somewhat simple, using only a string based hostname or IP address and port to match. Therefore it is recommended to use only IP addresses or the empty string as the hostname in listener URLs.

  • All sharing of server instances is only typically possible within the same process.

  • The server may also be used by other things (for example to serve static content), in the same process.

BSD Socket (experimental)

The socket transport provides communication support between peers across arbitrary BSD sockets, such as those created with socketpair.

[URI, socket://] This transport uses the URL socket://, without further qualification.

This transport only supports listeners. The socket file descriptor is passed to the listener using the 'socket:fd' option (as an integer). Setting this option (which is write-only and can be set multiple times) will cause the listener to create a pipe backed by the file descriptor.

Query if an Aio is Unresolved


Query whether an Aio, Aio value or list of Aios remains unresolved. Unlike call_aio, this function does not wait for completion.





an Aio or list of Aios (objects of class ‘sendAio’, ‘recvAio’ or ‘ncurlAio’), or Aio value stored at $result or $data etc.


Suitable for use in control flow statements such as while or if.

Note: querying resolution may cause a previously unresolved Aio to resolve.


Logical TRUE if ‘aio’ is an unresolved Aio or Aio value or the list of Aios contains at least one unresolved Aio, or FALSE otherwise.


s1 <- socket("pair", listen = "inproc://nanonext")
aio <- send_aio(s1, "test", timeout = 100)

while (unresolved(aio)) {
  # do stuff before checking resolution again



With Lock


Evaluate an expression whilst holding a mutex lock internal to a ‘conditionVariable’. The purpose of this function is to prevent access to objects guarded by the same lock from another thread.


with_lock(cv, expr)



a ‘conditionVariable’ object.


an expression to evaluate under lock.


Do not attempt to call any function using the conditionVariable ‘cv’ in ‘expr’ otherwise you will create a deadlock.


The return value of ‘expr’.


cv <- cv()
with_lock(cv, "hello")

Generate Self-Signed Certificate and Key


Generate self-signed x509 certificate and 4096 bit RSA private/public key pair for use with authenticated, encrypted TLS communications.


write_cert(cn = "localhost", valid = "20301231235959")



[default 'localhost'] character issuer common name (CN) for the certificate. This can be either a hostname or an IP address, but must match the actual server URL as client authentication will depend on it.


[default '20301231235959'] character ‘not after’ date-time in ‘yyyymmddhhmmss’ format. The certificate is not valid after this time.


For interactive sessions only, a status message is printed at the start of key / certificate generation and also when complete.


A list of length 2, comprising $server and $client. These may be passed directly to the relevant argument of tls_config.


if (interactive()) {
# Only run examples in interactive R sessions

cert <- write_cert(cn = "")
ser <- tls_config(server = cert$server)
cli <- tls_config(client = cert$client)

s <- socket(listen = "tls+tcp://", tls = ser)
s1 <- socket(dial = "tls+tcp://", tls = cli)

# secure TLS connection established


